Covid-19 restrictions in Manila convinced me to move to the beach. The nearest live poker will be about and hour and a half away once they open again. Until then, there are poker apps (I can recommend you a club) and it is a good time to study poker. I am still coaching on-line.
There is poker all around the world. I recently found myself in Manila, Philippines. I was very excited to check out the poker scene there. However, the information about what games run is very difficult to find on-line. There are several poker rooms listed, but none of them are on Bravo. Nor are they on […]
When you are playing poker if you are the first player in you mostly are entering the pot so that you can raise with the intention to win the blinds. This is not really a “play,” it is really just the game. However there are situations that occur frequently at the table which have a […]
When to Slowplay in No Limit Hold’em Many players love to slowplay in Hold’em. It’s a great feeling when our slowplay works and generates a big payout from our opponent. Other times however, it seems to be more trouble than it’s worth. We end up winning only a very small pot when our hand […]
Do you need to get better at poker math? Not sure if you should call with a set when you think he flopped a straight? This new poker work book is for you. It is like Sudoku for poker players. Learn all kinds of approximation techniques so you never pay too much for a draw […]
Freeroll poker newspaper is dedicated to bringing poker strategy you can use to card rooms across the country. There has been great success in getting carried in poker rooms across the country. Please take a look at the new look of issue six. There is a preview of Zach Elwood’s Verbal Poker Tells.
Poker video training is a really great way to learn poker. I recently had a coaching student that was unfortunate enough to run AK into AA or KK twice in the session I was sweating him at the tables. He got stacked both times. Lost $400 in essentially the same situation: Calling against a 4-bet […]