Poker video training is a really great way to learn poker. I recently had a coaching student that was unfortunate enough to run AK into AA or KK twice in the session I was sweating him at the tables. He got stacked both times. Lost $400 in essentially the same situation: Calling against a 4-bet with AK. He wanted to know what he could do better there. I could not say how to play AK better than James Sweeney did in his AK video.
James said it right there: Fold AK by default to a 4-bet.
In both situations, it was pretty clear the Villain had to have a hand to make those bets, so as pretty as AK is, it needed to go into the muck because it does terrible against the range being repped by the four-bets. My student said had he really internalized that notion before going to the casino, he would have lost money in those two situations, but certainly not $400. This is why training matters. One insight can literately save (or earn you) hundreds of dollars in one session and far more over a lifetime. Ed Miller, James Sweeney, Christian Soto and myself have started a monthly poker video training site. It is at and for $10 a month, you get at least four videos, premium blog posts and discounts on our products. It is very inexpensive for poker videos. I know that if I were not a coach there, I would join just to hear what Ed Miller has to say every month. Go take a look, even for free you get one of the videos each month. Here is a preview of Ed Miller’s video Everyone is terrible at Poker. Subscribe to get the rest.